102450266 : Sell to avoid more losses
103891808 : Judging from technical indicators, Tesla is currently in a weak area. A large number of chips are covered with duvets, and the resistance to pull up is relatively high
凛冬9 : There is currently no sign of stopping the decline or stabilizing; half of the profits will be lost
股中股 : Just reverse it and you'll love it
加州 : Not yet unset?
Junafu : Are you still currently holding Tesla?
102450266 : Sell to avoid more losses
103891808 : Judging from technical indicators, Tesla is currently in a weak area. A large number of chips are covered with duvets, and the resistance to pull up is relatively high
凛冬9 : There is currently no sign of stopping the decline or stabilizing; half of the profits will be lost
股中股 : Just reverse it and you'll love it
加州 : Not yet unset?
Junafu : Are you still currently holding Tesla?