101629501 : 104 or 204?
103009447 101629501 : Do let me know when it hit 104 this year
103009447 101629501 : I will buy 10,000 Tesla Shares
Mokuseng OP : 204 off course
Cheah833 Mokuseng OP : haha u dream.... already in down trending
Mokuseng OP Cheah833 : Wait and see .
Cheah833 Mokuseng OP : don be too rush to go in... wait and see
Mokuseng OP Cheah833 : Everybody thinking the same then the result won’t be the same
101629501 : 104 or 204?
103009447 101629501 : Do let me know when it hit 104 this year
103009447 101629501 : I will buy 10,000 Tesla Shares
Mokuseng OP : 204 off course
Cheah833 Mokuseng OP : haha u dream.... already in down trending
Mokuseng OP Cheah833 : Wait and see .
Cheah833 Mokuseng OP : don be too rush to go in... wait and see
Mokuseng OP Cheah833 : Everybody thinking the same then the result won’t be the same