Niuniu2025 : Buy lower
ming00756 : Idiot
ming00756 : Long-term can continue to Buy.
72098791 OP Niuniu2025 : Darn it’s 415. I’m losing big I’m thinking I will sell before it gets worse ???
72098791 OP ming00756 : So you think it will go back soon ? I hear they say it’s going to $382??
Niuniu2025 : Buy lower
ming00756 : Idiot
ming00756 : Long-term can continue to Buy.
72098791 OP Niuniu2025 : Darn it’s 415. I’m losing big I’m thinking I will sell before it gets worse ???
72098791 OP ming00756 : So you think it will go back soon ? I hear they say it’s going to $382??