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Trump & Musk's epochal interview: What sparks will fly?
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$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ it's obvious who's shorting the stock toda...

$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ it's obvious who's shorting the stock today because Elon Musk is interviewing Trump tonight on TV doesn't take a rocket scientist to see right through this plan look at Bitcoin today also look at the big block cells who's dumping take a guess it's not rocket science people
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  • BFSkinner : Don’t leave us guessing who is this mystery dumper? Let me guess deep state 🫨

  • 10baggerbamm OP BFSkinner : the government siezed billions of dollars worth of bitcoin they have been the seller go read the article it was published last week I've been saying it the whole time I said because nobody has more than the federal government aside from Germany and if you look at the auctions where the government's supposed to sell they sell a half a Bitcoin a quarter of a Bitcoin one Bitcoin they're not selling $300 700 900 where people are immediately turning around and dumping they're just dumping in the open market. their ability to woo over at the Bitcoin convention failed miserably it resulted in a complete arguing back and forth match because their stance under that Biden Harris administration has been anti Bitcoin heavy regulation they fought the whole way against ETFs so you can't fool smart people only stupid people can be tricked into deceived. and if you don't see this there's a saying none are so blind as those who refuse to see

  • 10baggerbamm OP BFSkinner : regarding Tesla it's the hedge funds that are politically aligned they're shorting it why because they can

  • BFSkinner 10baggerbamm OP : And yet coins are getting scooped up. This train will continue - it’s decentralized so try as they may there is no stopping the eventual rise to ATH. It can’t be controlled by entities or foreign govs supply demand shock will continue price mvmt. More countries are stockpiling all are starting to see it

  • 10baggerbamm OP BFSkinner : it can be because it can be shorted that's what you don't get when there's options on it it can be shorted and there's options on ETFs which means it can be shorted you can create far more supply than what they're actually is through naked shorts

  • BFSkinner 10baggerbamm OP : You ‘can’ short however this is extremely risky on most volitile asset I can’t see that working out well with $1000+ wicks. People will catch on and counter shorts liquidate their stop losses surefire way to lose big money. It’s not possible to use shorts as long term price manipulation on scarce asset

  • 10baggerbamm OP BFSkinner : I don't think you're familiar with the trillions and trillions of dollars of naked puts that never get covered and every institution out there does it and don't come back and say well that's illegal because I got news for you it's happening it's very simple they short stocks they use options to hedge if they win they collect if they lose it's packaged and shipped overseas it's gone. and it's not covered it's not delivered in 30 days it's not reflected on their losses on their books it's a freaking game and the SEC has done extensive research they know all about it there's a full report on their website and you can read it on naked shorting

  • BFSkinner 10baggerbamm OP : I know naked shorting is a thing I just can’t buy the political motive you keep theorizing

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