OPStarmer Supporter
I'm betting heavily on both of them. MSTR is equivalent to Bitcoin Bank. As Bitcoin breaks through 0.2 million, 0.5 million, and 1 million in the next few years, MSTR's market capitalization will also exceed trillion dollars, with room to rise at least ten times
mstr now has an average daily profit of over 0.1 billion dollars!!!! As the price of Bitcoin rises, profits will also soar every day
Starmer Supporter : I m betting big on Tesla!
102168145 OP Starmer Supporter : I'm betting heavily on both of them. MSTR is equivalent to Bitcoin Bank. As Bitcoin breaks through 0.2 million, 0.5 million, and 1 million in the next few years, MSTR's market capitalization will also exceed trillion dollars, with room to rise at least ten times
mstr now has an average daily profit of over 0.1 billion dollars!!!! As the price of Bitcoin rises, profits will also soar every day