Bruski2023 : No no no this isn’t a rebound
Casey yy Bruski2023 : There are others that fall
VIP Prestige OP Bruski2023 : true that
Bruski2023 VIP Prestige OP : It’s fake it ain’t done yet, bottom hasn’t been confirmed. Lots of games being played. Personally I wouldn’t touch it till it breaks and clears 185, or drops to sub 175
Bruski2023 : No no no this isn’t a rebound
Casey yy Bruski2023 : There are others that fall
VIP Prestige OP Bruski2023 : true that
Bruski2023 VIP Prestige OP : It’s fake it ain’t done yet, bottom hasn’t been confirmed. Lots of games being played. Personally I wouldn’t touch it till it breaks and clears 185, or drops to sub 175