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Musk's $56B pay package vote approved: Can it drive TSLA further?
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$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ so this is going to be a nail biter becaus...

$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ so this is going to be a nail biter because what I read today is that anybody can change their vote up till the time of closing of the market so what could have been favored earlier they may go you know what I've changed my mind.
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  • 週一 : In fact, none of the retail investors had any power, everything was arranged in Flower Street, depending on luck

  • 10baggerbamm OP : so by 5:00 we'll find out and then everything that I just finished reading says it's still going to wind up going back to this shit bag judge in Delaware which is why Elon Musk is going to be changing his Diamond style for incorporation to Texas from Delaware. it wouldn't surprise me at all to offer a limited buyout of stock to any of these shit bag shareholders I'll call them what they are that don't believe he should be compensated based off of a contract so it wouldn't surprise me if  Elon  were to say.. look you know what I'll give you a 5% premium over the common stock you got 24 hours you want to tender it I'll buy it ..otherwise shut your fucking mouth or sell it at the market.

35+ yrs in the trenches, raised tens of millions for start ups, syndicate ipo's, yrs on trading desk mkt maker.