Simon Lee8 : Keep buying don't be afraid
Simon Lee8 : As soon as you buy it, it's worth at least 500
102543616 Simon Lee8 : wow 40grand
Eric 8128 : Holding on is the only thing. Selling at this time will result in a loss; 214 should be the bottom
Ringo想买包 Eric 8128 : Should I? Who knows how
心灵深处 : is it options or shares?
Eric 8128 : I think the decline is temporary. After all, the company is a promising company; now the whole story is falling; it's not the company itself, so don't worry
SPACELIGHT : That's a hard kick to the gut. I'm surprised you didn't keep the news to yourself.
Nickz_AI OP 心灵深处 : Shares of tesla
Nickz_AI OP Eric 8128 : Will buy at bottom
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Simon Lee8 : Keep buying don't be afraid
Simon Lee8 : As soon as you buy it, it's worth at least 500
102543616 Simon Lee8 : wow 40grand
Eric 8128 : Holding on is the only thing. Selling at this time will result in a loss; 214 should be the bottom
Ringo想买包 Eric 8128 : Should I? Who knows how
心灵深处 : is it options or shares?
Eric 8128 : I think the decline is temporary. After all, the company is a promising company; now the whole story is falling; it's not the company itself, so don't worry
SPACELIGHT : That's a hard kick to the gut. I'm surprised you didn't keep the news to yourself.
Nickz_AI OP 心灵深处 : Shares of tesla
Nickz_AI OP Eric 8128 : Will buy at bottom
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