Scorched earf : A seven day survey for what’s gonna happen today. Brilliant.
Dcalov Scorched earf : Always something negative to say
Scorched earf Dcalov : But I’m not wrong. Why would you put a seven day survey up for one days action
Dcalov Scorched earf : You're not wrong, just extremely bitter. Relax. You comment negative stuff on every board. If you're that miserable, why are you even bothering with social interaction? You stfu.
Scorched earf Dcalov : It must suck to be you
unfilteredtruths Scorched earf : Must be the frustration coming from losing money off this stock HAHAHAH
Scorched earf : A seven day survey for what’s gonna happen today. Brilliant.
Dcalov Scorched earf : Always something negative to say
Scorched earf Dcalov : But I’m not wrong. Why would you put a seven day survey up for one days action
Dcalov Scorched earf : You're not wrong, just extremely bitter. Relax. You comment negative stuff on every board. If you're that miserable, why are you even bothering with social interaction? You stfu.
Scorched earf Dcalov : It must suck to be you
unfilteredtruths Scorched earf : Must be the frustration coming from losing money off this stock HAHAHAH