WOLFE (白狼) : Bluff before the truth
日交易 : Wow, I haven't seen this friend for a long time
Hello13456 OP 日交易 : Haha incognito, always
日交易 Hello13456 OP : Is it OK lately? Have you made a lot of money for the new year
Hello13456 OP 日交易 : That's a must hahaha
WOLFE (白狼) : Bluff before the truth
日交易 : Wow, I haven't seen this friend for a long time
Hello13456 OP 日交易 : Haha incognito, always
日交易 Hello13456 OP : Is it OK lately? Have you made a lot of money for the new year
Hello13456 OP 日交易 : That's a must hahaha