Charleneee : quazhang
philzero OP :
102246337 : $Are you selling at $300 or ride it all the way ?
philzero OP 102246337 : it’s just sarcastic……… $300 need to wait too long
JC M : Next week might be 270 to 290 but no 300
philzero OP JC M : hard to say, still depends a lot on APEC outcome
sentosa island : Wait until the mess is ready to wash
73635853 JC M : TSLA is originally a demon stock, and it fluctuates a lot
philzero OP : should be another water fall
Charleneee :
philzero OP :

102246337 : $Are you selling at $300 or ride it all the way ?
philzero OP 102246337 : it’s just sarcastic……… $300 need to wait too long
JC M : Next week might be 270 to 290 but no 300
philzero OP JC M : hard to say, still depends a lot on APEC outcome
sentosa island : Wait until the mess is ready to wash
73635853 JC M : TSLA is originally a demon stock, and it fluctuates a lot
philzero OP : should be another water fall