103014847 : Shameless
Lao_Wang OP 103014847 : ?
102596492 : What happened?
心急吃不了热豆腐 : Wah.. Back to 505
103014847 Lao_Wang OP : This stock
Xxxxxxhh : Wonder when it will reach 6
Lao_Wang OP : I'm waiting for a very long time
BullBBear : I think this stock is being manipulated on a daily basis. It's farmville stock. if you are not actively trading this stock for 0.005cents every day, I suggest you stay away.
103014847 : Shameless
Lao_Wang OP 103014847 : ?
102596492 : What happened?
心急吃不了热豆腐 : Wah.. Back to 505
103014847 Lao_Wang OP : This stock
Xxxxxxhh : Wonder when it will reach 6
Lao_Wang OP : I'm waiting for a very long time
BullBBear : I think this stock is being manipulated on a daily basis. It's farmville stock. if you are not actively trading this stock for 0.005cents every day, I suggest you stay away.