Sam Vandersey : ohh no. what happened? I am a regular customer at Vons and Albertsons
Sam Vandersey : isn't Kroger a supplier for Ralph's? I might be wrong
sGpcGhost : so powerful to fly 63! I ran out 62.5 already
Stock_Drift OP Sam Vandersey : Merger.
Stock_Drift OP Sam Vandersey : $The Kroger Co. (KR.US)$
Stock_Drift OP Sam Vandersey : Albertsons: Screw your merger and we’re suing you, too.
Sam Vandersey Stock_Drift OP : interesting
Stock_Drift OP sGpcGhost : Wow, it is running up a bit in after hours!! Nice!! $The Kroger Co. (KR.US)$
sGpcGhost : I have buy call 61 ...lucky no throw away all when it went 60.8
Stock_Drift OP sGpcGhost : Get some!!!
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Sam Vandersey : ohh no. what happened? I am a regular customer at Vons and Albertsons
Sam Vandersey : isn't Kroger a supplier for Ralph's? I might be wrong
sGpcGhost : so powerful to fly 63! I ran out 62.5 already
Stock_Drift OP Sam Vandersey : Merger.
Stock_Drift OP Sam Vandersey : $The Kroger Co. (KR.US)$
Stock_Drift OP Sam Vandersey : Albertsons: Screw your merger and we’re suing you, too.
Sam Vandersey Stock_Drift OP : interesting
Stock_Drift OP sGpcGhost : Wow, it is running up a bit in after hours!! Nice!!
$The Kroger Co. (KR.US)$
sGpcGhost : I have buy call 61 ...lucky no throw away all when it went 60.8
Stock_Drift OP sGpcGhost : Get some!!!

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