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The Benner Cycle

The Benner Cycle
The chart by Samuel Benner proves rather prophetic with the exception of 2016 as that was, in fact, a rather good year for investing. Samuel Banner was a farmer from Ohio who authored a book entitled "Benner's Prophecies: Future Ups And Down In Prices" in 1875. He was said to have been a wealthy farmer before an 1873 panic wiped out his fortune. After that, he'd become fascinated in understanding economic cycles.

Mind you, for a chart that is almost 150 years old it’s not too shabby, but it certainly is not the be-all & end-all for one’s investing journey. Do take it with a grain of salt & DYOR as Benner’s book was focused mainly on seasonal crop cycles and commodities from the 19th century whilst trying to inform others (& himself) on how to “make money on pig iron, corn, hogs, and cotton” in the foreseeable future. Think of this more as an aspirational economic North Star rather than Google Maps for the investing man on the street.
As Samuel Banner said of his “sure thing”, save this card & watch it closely. Time shall reveal the future’s secrets eventually & prove the Benner Cycle true or otherwise.
#JamesL1M #OraclingInTheOrient
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