The capitulation and disappointment I saw after TLRY earning...
The capitulation and disappointment I saw after TLRY earnings on thursday makes me think the weedstocks bottom is close. People that have been holding for years sold : 1- At a new all time low (emotionally shaked out by a 10% drop after already enduring worst) 2- TLRY recovered the losses shortly after during the same day in terms of stock price movement 3- Potential catalysts on the way , election and S3 and weedstocks seasonality. Selling now is irrational but I understand the pain. Carrying a bag so heavy can affect your happiness on a day to day basis. After selling for a loss you still feel the pain but the recovery process starts for real and within weeks or months you forget about your loss. I will continue to hold my weedstocks and hope for the best.$Canopy Growth Corp (WEED.CA)$
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