The CEO_Matt Ishbia is a local (Birmingham, Mi) kid and former MSU basketball player and owner of the Phoenix Suns. They’re getting ready to interview him on CNBC. 👍📊
No, I’m thinking this stock gets hammered by hedgies and those guys are already at the bar trying to take home a solid 5 for the night. j/k
So (I think) it’ll hold like this OR maybe when the CEO gets interviewed during AH’s trading it’ll trickle into a small run. ?? I’m holding mine no matter. He’s up next after the commercial break, too. Keep yer ’s Peeled
timcypher : I am too
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY : You don't expect pullback first?
Stock_Drift OP MARKET-TEST-DUMMY : No, I’m thinking this stock gets hammered by hedgies and those guys are already at the bar trying to take home a solid 5 for the night.
’s Peeled
So (I think) it’ll hold like this OR maybe when the CEO gets interviewed during AH’s trading it’ll trickle into a small run. ?? I’m holding mine no matter. He’s up next after the commercial break, too. Keep yer