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The COE Prices are Fluctuating. Is Now A Good Time to Buy a Car?

Question 1: What level of income do you think is suitable for becoming a car owner in Singapore?

While I don't own a car, I believe that in Singapore, a suitable level of income for car ownership should comfortably cover the costs associated with purchasing a vehicle, including the Certificate of Entitlement (COE), insurance, road taxes, and maintenance. A higher disposable income is likely necessary due to the high costs of car ownership in Singapore. It’s also important to consider whether the income allows for savings and other financial goals beyond car ownership.

Question 2: Are you already a car owner? What was the COE auction price when you purchased your car?

I am not currently a car owner, so I haven't had to navigate the COE auction process myself. However, from what I’ve learned, COE prices can vary significantly depending on market conditions and the demand for cars at any given time. It’s crucial for potential car owners to keep this in mind when planning a purchase, as the COE cost can substantially impact the overall expense of owning a vehicle in Singapore.

Question 3: When your COE expires, will you choose to renew it or get rid of your car?

Although I don’t have a car, I can appreciate the decision-making process that car owners face when their COE expires. If I were in that position, I would weigh factors like the car's condition, my financial situation, and the current COE prices before deciding whether to renew it or dispose of the car. The decision would ultimately depend on whether the costs of renewal are justified by the benefits of keeping the car versus purchasing a new one or switching to other modes of transportation.
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