103352962 : How much did you buy?
71086709 : Just wait, I also bought at 4.6.
71086709 : Funds are available for additional positions.
十年韭菜嫩韭菜 : Buying at 4 or above, there are people who believe that without significant news, it generally won't rise.
103675175 OP 71086709 : I dare not buy, afraid it will continue to fall.
71086709 : My target warehouse is 0.1 million shares, I will continue to buy as it continues to fall.
151306376 :
103352962 : How much did you buy?
71086709 : Just wait, I also bought at 4.6.
71086709 : Funds are available for additional positions.
十年韭菜嫩韭菜 : Buying at 4 or above, there are people who believe that without significant news, it generally won't rise.
103675175 OP 71086709 : I dare not buy, afraid it will continue to fall.
71086709 : My target warehouse is 0.1 million shares, I will continue to buy as it continues to fall.
151306376 :