China consumes slightly more than 50% of the world’s copper. Last year witnessed a substantial demand surge, primarily driven by an uptick in solar panel installations and module manufacturing in China, which in turn spurred domestic copper consumption. According to the report by Goldman Sachs, analyst Nicholas Snowdon anticipates a more modest increase in copper demand from the solar sector (+29kt) in 2024. However, he predicts a significant jump in demand linked to wind energy, as the deployment of additional offshore capacity is expected to contribute an extra (+70kt). Moreover, despite a scale-back in government incentives, the Chinese electric vehicle (EV) market has maintained robust growth, with copper demand from the EV segment projected to climb consistently this year (+107kt). Additionally, Snowdon foresees sustained investment in China's electrical grid, which is likely to bolster the expansion of both EVs and renewable energy infrastructures, supporting the demand for copper, especially in the enhancement of rural grid networks.
Maniac Fool : Buy copper in anticipation to interest rate cut in April-June 2024