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PCE data in focus after Fed's half-point rate cut: What to expect?
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The Divergence in Fed Signals: Should Investors Trust Powell or Timiraos?

On September 27, 2024, Nick Timiraos, known for his insight into the Federal Reserve’s inner workings, published a critical article discussing the Fed’s rate cuts and the possibility of achieving a soft landing. While Nick did not explicitly state that the U.S. economy is heading toward a recession, my interpretation is that his writing clearly hints at deeper concerns. Specifically, Nick’s message suggests that a soft landing is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve, and more importantly, he seems to be subtly implying that a recession may be unavoidable.

This reading of his article points to a deeper, more concerning narrative. Timiraos mentions that despite rate cuts, businesses and households might still be reluctant to borrow due to the gap between current borrowing costs and the historically lower rates locked in during previous years. This reluctance could stifle the intended economic stimulus, leading to more severe economic slowdowns, ultimately hinting at the likelihood of a recession. In essence, I believe Nick is signaling that the Fed’s tools may not be sufficient to avert a downturn, even if they succeed in reducing inflation.

The Conflict Between Powell’s Words and Nick’s Analysis
This article comes just ten days after the September 18 FOMC meeting, where Fed Chair Jerome Powell confidently stated that there were no clear signs of a recession. Powell described the rate cuts as precautionary, aimed at stabilizing the economy while inflation falls closer to the target rate. When asked about recession risks, Powell reassured the public that the Fed did not see any imminent danger of a downturn.

But now, less than two weeks later, Nick’s article suggests a much more cautious outlook, one that hints at a recession being more probable than Powell led us to believe. The divergence between these two perspectives is striking. Powell’s public statements were designed to maintain market confidence, whereas Nick’s article hints at the Fed’s deeper concerns, which may not have been fully communicated in Powell’s remarks. This leaves investors in a challenging position: Who should they trust in these conflicting signals?

Past Precedents: Timiraos’ Influence on Market Expectations
Nick Timiraos has a track record of accurately forecasting Fed moves, often before they are officially announced. A perfect example of this occurred in the days leading up to the September 18 FOMC meeting. Initially, the market expected a 25 basis points rate cut. However, just three to four days before the meeting, Nick published an article suggesting the Fed was considering a more aggressive 50 bps cut. Following his report, the market swiftly adjusted its expectations, and by the time the Fed made its decision, markets had already priced in the larger cut. The Fed eventually delivered on that expectation, further solidifying Nick’s status as a reliable indicator of the Fed’s future actions.

The Subtle Shift in Timiraos’ September 27 Article
Nick’s latest article, although not outright predicting a recession, implies that the economy may face more significant challenges than Powell has acknowledged. My interpretation of Nick’s message is clear: even with substantial rate cuts, a soft landing might be out of reach, and the underlying risks of a recession are becoming more evident. This is not a direct statement, but the subtle tones and the concerns he highlights around borrowing reluctance and ineffective economic stimulus point toward an economy that is more likely to contract than to stabilize.

What Should Investors Do?
The conflicting signals between Powell’s reassurance and Nick’s cautionary tones create a dilemma for investors. Powell’s public statements are designed to maintain short-term stability and confidence in the market, but Nick’s track record suggests he may be more in tune with what’s happening behind the scenes at the Fed. If Nick’s article is interpreted correctly, it’s likely that the economy could be heading toward a more significant downturn, and investors would do well to prepare for potential market volatility.

My Take: Trust Nick’s Caution
Given Nick Timiraos’ history of accurately predicting Fed actions and his subtle signaling of deeper concerns, I would lean toward trusting his perspective. His writing suggests that the economic challenges ahead may be more severe than Powell is willing to publicly acknowledge. Investors should consider adjusting their strategies accordingly—reducing risk, increasing exposure to safer assets, and preparing for potential downside in the stock market.

In conclusion, while Powell’s words provide short-term comfort, Nick’s article is a more reliable guide for what lies ahead. Investors should brace for the possibility of a recession and adjust their portfolios to mitigate the risks.

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