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The expiry of the petrodollar, and a simple person's analysis of the oceans being too hot

Leona Cook wrote a column · Jun 15 09:25
My first community contribution and introduction the other day ended with somewhat of a segue into this topic.
snapshot of Sea Surface Temp is 30.8° C / 87.4° by green dot; source:
snapshot of Sea Surface Temp is 30.8° C / 87.4° by green dot; source:
SST (Sea Surface Temperature) @ 27.56° N, 50.36° E was 31.4° Celsius yesterday
SST (Sea Surface Temperature) @ 27.56° N, 50.36° E was 31.4° Celsius yesterday
These are the heat maps that I monitor daily.
"The oceans being too hot" is a topic that traverses both sides of the global sphere, many disciplines, and it requires a calm and sober-minded analysis, not something proponents of the #petrodollar have been known for possessing.  As a writer on the Internet since 1995, I am well aware of the kinds of impatience non-scientific people have for facts and logic that goes contrary to their opinions of how the world should work. Those who made their retirement plans unaware that the petrodollar would lose its dominance this year may feel uncomfortable when reading this column.  It is not my intent to physically harm you. If you start to feel uncomfortable, remember you can come back and read more later. Maybe take a deep breath and go take a walk somewhere -- preferably somewhere with living (not plastic) plant life that you can talk to and participate in healthful You're also welcome to go read something else that makes you more comfortable.  
If you are able to move and walk freely to the nearest greenspace unhindered by recent tornado, derecho and hail damage (MD, MN, IA, NE, MS, LA, TN, AR, KS, SD, TX, CO), flood waters (FL, MS, GA, LA, ND, TX, KY), Saharan dust storms (Algeria, Libya, and coming soon the the Caribbean), "raging out of control wildfires" (TX, AZ, WY, UT, WA, CA), or angry weapon-wielding military who have inconceivably obscured their entire human bodies with the wardrobe designed to keep the petrodollar "secure"?  Aside from rendering themselves unattractive and ridiculous looking, such confused people clearly do not understand what those wardrobes are really enabling -- hint: it has nothing to do with future security of humanity. After multiple decades of testing, it is clear that the wardrobe confused people put on to enable accelerated global warming does not actually secure "heart" of the country most invested in the petrodollar. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Trinity River (TX) is currently in moderate flood stage at 28.6 feet. Major floodstage @ 29'
Trinity River (TX) is currently in moderate flood stage at 28.6 feet. Major floodstage @ 29'
So if not the petrodollar, what? Moomoo readers would be familiar with alternatives to the petrodollar (note for translators: previous sentence was written specifically to say "alternatives" in the plural form, implying the existence of multiple financial "currencies"), including the much-undervalued petro৳, the petro¥, the petro港元, even the petro円 being in charge of assigning their own values to the word "petro". If you are interested in learning more about the history of this term -- why and how the petrodollar term came about -- this writeup from 2023 (RCT) by Caleb Hinton has some detail. Keep in mind that the term today is expired; that is, the seemingly-limitless inflation that some hasty supposed "AI" toting stocks have enjoyed due to their favoritism of the petrodollar? Such inflation is not sustainable at previous rates, as the climatology maps included with this column indicate. Nobody is "winning" anything by overheating the ocean waters, resultant from too many vacation selfies on their favorite technology megacaps.
Today we focus on the present, current state of the global temperature map that mistakenly prioritized the petrodollar too long.   We'll do this with a S.W.O.O.P.  For visual thinkers and learners, I have included some digital art I made at some point during these last 4 years ... I made this with my own talents and skillset:
the jipji'ju'gisutnat is making a SWOOP gesture
the jipji'ju'gisutnat is making a SWOOP gesture
SWOOP is a derivative of the often-referenced biz school term "SWOT" (an acronym about business plans; you can look it up). But unlike the SWOT, the SWOOP takes into consideration a more global perspective on the net effects of business plans.  Specifically does the SWOOP outline:
Opportunities to improve,
Outside stakeholders affected by the business plan -- always acknowledging that they have rights and sovereignty to refuse any partnerships or proposals offered -- the rights to make their own decisions,
Precision -- this one can be refined for translators to communicate there must be some non-biased metrics and a realistic learning cycle to assess:
"What needs improved?" 
"How can we DOWNSIZE outrageous expectations -- such as a 3 TRILLION #PETRODOLLAR marketcap -- on non-essential datacenter/computer part: the GPU?"
Precisely, how can we downsize those expectations to save more beautiful and diverse species from the irrational inflation of the petrodollar as we prepare humanity for a more realistic currency standard and future??  
We'll undertake this SWOOP with fearlessness in pointing out weaknesses and admitting mistakes. The "Strengths" category we'll do last, as it is usually derived from the other 4.  It is not correct to start with the "strengths" of the petrodollar. To assist those who might be having a hard time with this column, we shall break the topics down into ... what will probably be n/5 sections, one for each letter of the SWOOP.
PRECISELY:  Now about the expiry of the petrodollar
Let's work backwards on our SWOOP, starting precisely with "Precision."  Specifically precision about time frames between integrated learning cycles. If you are one of those readers who had to go take a walk to calm down your fears about losing the appearance of "winning" something with your stock portfolio being heavily weighted in petrodollars?  I hope you are feeling better now.  Take another deep breath as you read the next paragraph.
On June 9 of this year, a decades-old agreement between what some maps call "Saudi Arabia" and what some maps call "The United States of America" expired and was intentionally not renewed to favor the financial denomination of the petrodollar. Creating a cut-off for inflation was a wise move on the part of the original entities, whose original goals were (and remain) rightful sovereignty over their own natural resources.  As the jipji'ju'gisutnat will tell you plainly: a body moving through space, unhindered, wishes to continue to move through space unhindered. There are literal physics formulas that prove this motion.  In our SWOOP, let us focus now on the "Precision" part on the time frame.
Things the humans used the petrodollar to make -- like wars over artificial borders, military checkpoints, border patrols, and "maximum security" prisons around innocent people like Lakȟótiyapi language keeper Leonard Peltier? These are not natural and hinder the most efficient use of  Imagine yourself in his place -- locked off from the world for nearly 50 years because two agents in the FBI were bored enough to go investigate some missing "cowboy boots" only one year after the "petrodollar" started being the incorrect replacement for the "gold standard".  Dozens of testimonies proclaim his innocence, and -- because it is relevant to any story involving cowboy boots -- remember that cows are not even endemic / native / indigenous to North America! As you take another deep breath and rationally consider cause and effect -- do you also agree that the non-native methane-producing excess of cows on "ranches" in Texas is also certainly attributable to the 30.7 degree SST off what some maps call "Texas"?
What some maps call "Texas" in not immune from anomalistic sea surface temperatures.
What some maps call "Texas" in not immune from anomalistic sea surface temperatures.
While I am unsure how many ranchers might be reading Moomoo Financial, it is important for the aspect of "Precision" that we note it is not correct to assume that they (or you) are "winning" anything by forcing petrodollar-centric dramas on regions the North American native tribes (inclusive of the Lakota) have managed "just fine" for over 10K years. Before petrodollar-centric dramas came along, bison grazed the plains like a salad bar, and no fences, ranchers, or "border patrols" hindered them. Indeed, witnesses from all over the global sphere will assure you that 御婆さん Uŋčí Makhá was successfully implementing with native life for hundreds of millions of years before humans demanded to see how she reacts to the petrodollar.
As we wrap up this column, do meditate on the original design -- that every geological system has an accompanying biosphere of endemic species that needs them (inclusive of indigenous language keepers like Leonard Peltier) strong and healthy.
n ~=1 ; n/5
(TBC @ 1353 words)
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