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The global cloud market is unwavering in the “Big 3,” and 8 major providers dominate the market close to 80%

moomooニュース米国株 wrote a column · Aug 14, 2023 22:52
In the second quarter of 2023, global spending on cloud infrastructure services increased by 10 billion dollars compared to the same period last year, and total expenditure for the three months ending 6/30 reached 64.8 billion dollars. Looking at the last 12 months, the cloud market is currently$247 billion in business opportunitiesThere is, leading to intense competition in the cloud market. As the graph below shows, the three major cloud companies, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, reported cloud market revenue for the last quarterIt accounts for over 60%Eight major providers are on the marketDominates close to 80%Doing it.
The global cloud market is unwavering in the “Big 3,” and 8 major providers dominate the market close to 80%
・Second quarter of 2023, $Amazon (AMZN.US)$The company's AWS hasn't changedMaintaining the top share of the cloud industryThen, the market as a whole32%Occupying, compared to the same period last year12% increaseIt became. Although growth in AWS has slowed compared to the same period last year,We are aggressively expanding our investment in AI. As an example, the company recently invested 100 million dollars (about 14 billion yen) to establish an “AWS Generated AI Innovation Center” to connect AI and machine learning experts with customers.
$Microsoft (MSFT.US)$Azure is a cloud service provider in the second quarter of 20232nd placeand the annual growth rate26%achieve,Capturing 22% of market shareI did it. Since cloud order balances for the same period reached 224 billion US dollars, an increase of 19%, it is expected that strong sales will continue in the future. Furthermore, Azure OpenAI Service has acquired high-profile customers such as Ikea, Volvo Group, and Zurich Insurance,It's gaining momentum
$Alphabet-C (GOOG.US)$Google Cloud compared to the same period last year among the top 3 hyperscaler companies in the 2nd quarter of 202331% increaseand reached the highest growth rate,Secures 11% cloud market shareI did it. In order to control operating costs and improve profitability, Google Cloud has extended the depreciation period for servers and network equipment. Also, the CEO of the company is a generative AI startup70% or moreIt was emphasized that it relies on Google's cloud infrastructure and AI functions.
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ー MooMoo News Sherry
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