In Oct, the prices started to come down. My mindset at that time was to hold on, afterall I was getting $3k plus in dividends quarterly. However, when the quarterly results were released, MPACT and MLT did really poorly and their DPU fell quite a bit. And with their China assets, it seems like there is no respite in sight.
五代雄杰 : Entry price too high already at a loss, now is either hold or cut loss and sell.
Mini invest102342937 : I'm impressed by your positive trading style
dydxequalszero OP 五代雄杰 : Hi, only you can decide what to do. There will be light at the end of the tunnel. It’s only a matter of time. Good luck to you!
dydxequalszero OP Mini invest102342937 : Thanks for the kind words.
104534386 : What is your target price to sell?
dydxequalszero OP 104534386 : Hi, I have 0 shares of this at the moment. I sold all at 2.42 at the middle of last month. I’m now waiting to buy back.
Lazy Cat Invests : Can share why 2.15 is a good entry point?
kheldarX : DCA? alot of buys with single sell..
dydxequalszero OP Lazy Cat Invests : Oh, it’s just a price which I feel is cheap enough. The dividend yield will be close to 7% then.
dydxequalszero OP kheldarX : Yes. You can refer to my previous post for my approach.
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