For those who do not know, there is a market saying called "Sell Rosh Hashanah, Buy Yom Kippur". I am not going to go too deeply into its explination but essentially when looking back on the history of the market, the week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur has experienced large selling volumes. Nothing that would be devestating, but more times than not has the market seen downward action. However, after Yom Kippur there was a rebalance of sorts in the market. I think I heard this is because (and please excuse me if I am wrong. I do not mean any disrespect or mean to spread any misinformation about any religion. I don't ever speak about religion because its one of the most controversial topics of conversation so please if I offend you I don't mean to at all. I am just a trader trying to help myself and others make money) many Jewish traders and investors focus their attention in observance of their religious holidays and family and steer away from the markets for a period of time. Jeffery Hirsch, editor in cheif of the Stock Trader's Almanac and Almanac Investor newsletter mentions that investors are accustomed to selling their stocks to avoid large losses before the High Holidays, but being long Yom Kippur to Passover has produced more than twice as many advances, averaging gains of 6.7%. So I am interested to see how today and this week goes for the market, especially after last week's hawkish fed, we might be in for some incredible price action.
71418600 : That is very interesting. Thank you for sharing this :)