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The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])

Good morning, good morning, good morning!
I hope you all have had a restful long weekend and are gearing up for a new week in markets!
Before we begin, I just want to mention that if you, a relative, or someone you know made the ultimate sacrifice, I want to thank you for your service. I wish the best for you, your families and all those who you know who served the USA. With that said, I have aMooMoo Announcement today!
I was selected to join the MooMoo Desktop Beta Team
What does this mean?
Essentially, I will be testing the new Desktop UI MooMoo has released, provide suggestions for the platform, and update all of you on upcoming features within MooMoo!
As a Moo Contributor, I am kept in the loop with projects MooMoo wants to work on already. Now, as a beta tester as well, I will have a direct say in what features I think MooMoo should add, remove, include, withdraw, and more leading up to the final release of the new MooMoo Desktop versions.
However, I want to involve all of you as well! If you have a suggestion for a new feature that MooMoo should add, or maybe remove, send me a message! I will look into the feature and from there I will determine whether or not to include it in my periodic writeups to the MooMoo team.
Remember, I don't have any other social media other than MooMoo or Medium. I will never reach out to you first, and if I do, you can tell it is me by the Moo Contributor bage next to profile. I do not have anyone working for me or writing my articles, so anyone claiming to be working with me is false. Beware of scammers out there as we continue to grow as group within MooMoo!
Alkaline Update
So as some of you know, I have been working on various projects within MooMoo. However, I have shifted my focus to the screeners at the moment.
The screeners I am tuning are:
1. Pre-Market Screener
2. Options Screener
3. Float Screener
Pre-Market Screener Function
Specifically, this screeners function is to spot unusual volume in lower priced stocks during pre-market. I could add other features to it, but for now I want to keep it simple by only fitering for stocks with remarkable, or unusual bullish volume. I am uninterested in bearish volume for now.
Options Screener Function
During the 1000 Follower celebration, I mentioned that I would begin working on an Options Screener. With motivation from the Unusual Whales Market Tide / Unusual Options / Unusual Flow features, I have created this screener with the purpose of trying to find unusual volume in different stocks and indexes Options chains.
The theory is that someone always knows something about a stock, and someone usually does. This especially goes for niche stocks. I have seen users of Unusual Whales find unsually large options orders on niche stocks only for those stocks to release unexpected news sending their position up thousands, tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands or millions in extreme cases.
For example:
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
The screener found an unusual 5,000 $60 Call buyer @1.18 around 2:12:58PM last Friday expiring in 2026.
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
Although the stock is rallying, there are more reasons why this is unusual.
Not only is this a large order, but the buyer is projecting that the stocks price will rise by over 50% in the next two year. The buyer also has no need to worry about theta, and doing a little research, Intel is infact in the AI game. Some of you may know, Intel is a chip maker and directly works with NVDA and their products. That tells me that this person thinks:
1. Intel will see upside in price as a result of AI
2. Intel will see a move similar to NVDA considering its position in chip manufacturing
3. Intel may be undervalued
This is a tough example as these contracts expire in 2026 and this week is a theta controlled week given that there are only 4 days to trade, however the theory remains the same. This individual may know something that has yet to be priced in and they are getting in early. With 38.17% IV by their side, these options have a decent potential to move in the buyers favor should Intel continue to rise in price.
The key is to find stocks with active options chains, and the screener does a good job at that. There are exceptions to the rule, so it is always important to not take a trade off the screener itself.
For example,
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
Eventhough these contracts were the right move, they have not moved much.
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
I can say honestly, I have no clue what the MSCI Brazilian ETF tracks, and on that alone I would not take the trade. These contracts expire on September 20th on the year, so there is potential room for the Put contracts to move, as well as considering the 29% IV, but because I don't know what this ETF tracks, I would not take the trade.
My point is, always do your research into a stock before taking a trade. You could find Options activity you want to follow and be correct in your position, but if there aren't enough buyers then your position won't move.
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
I think it's also a good indicator that if the TradingView chart looks like this, do not take an options position short term. In the long term it might work out, but with volume scattered like this, theta will act against you. So always do your own research before taking a trade.
Float Screener Function
Also in the 1000 Follower celebration, I provided you all the current Float Screener settings. You can read that article here:
I am currently making updates to it as I want it to closer represent a stocks float value relative to volume and price. However, I want to also incorperate pre-market unusual volume and after-hours unusual volume as well. This way, we can see if a pot is boiling before the open or after the close.
I will post them in their current conditions and any updates I make to all of you if we can get this post to 50 likes!
A lot of research has gone into these screeners and I think 50 likes is a solid and achiavable goal for the work I have put into them and the potential value they can have to you as a trader or your portfolios.
Therefore, if you would like these screeners for completely free then drop a like on this post!
Going Private
Moving forward, I am going to be posting my important charts, certain research articles, and all screener notifications only For Followers.
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
The reason I am doing this is because as we continue to grow, I want to show respect to those who have taken the time to hit the follow button by limiting extremely important information only to you.
A lot, if not almost all, of my larger research topics average over 10,000 views, if not upwards of 50,000 views.
For example:
In the last larger article:
We achieved over 121,000 views! Thank you so much.
Even on the options screener posts, we average over 100 views with the Intel post achieving 8,900 views, which is awesome!
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
The point is, my page pulls an incredible number of viewers, which I am VERY grateful for. As a result, I want to show my appreciation for the Followers by limiting certain posts as Followers posts only. So if you see a post I make with the title (For Followers), know that if you see it, then you are following me and no one who is not Following will be able to get the information that you do.
Of course it should go without saying that The Market, Deep Dive articles, and MooMoo posts will remain public. However, if you would like access to even more information, data, charts, and so much more, drop a follow :)
Now let's get into some charts.
SPY Monthly
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
It has been a while since we last took a look at the monthly. The previous time we charted the monthly was back in last Summer where we predicted that there could be a Cup and Handle forming. A RARE setup, which has never before happened in the history of the SPY. However, now an equally as rare structure might be forming on the Monthly, which no one is talking about. A Rising Wedge.
For those who do not know, a Rising Wedge is a bearish reversal structure which is common in all stocks, but considering this is the Monthly chart, that means that the probability of it playing out is OVERWHELMINGLY high, however the accuracy as to when it will happen is UNDERWHELMINGLY low.
I have talked about this before, but when it comes to charting:
The higher the time frame, the more probable a structure will play out, but the less accurate it will be.
- Meaning the accuracy as to when it begins to play out, and your ability to time the position
The lower the time frame, the less probable a structure will play out, but the more accurate it will be.
- Meaning the accuracy as to when it begins to play out, and your ability to time the position
This is why when you see a bear flag on the day and enter it thinking that you are timing the market only for the candles to back to the top of the flag stopping you out before the downside move occurs.
It is also why on that very same bear flag, if you decided to check out the 15 minute, you would see that the flag has yet to form and if you waited a bit longer you would have a better position.
For Example
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
(15 minute to the left, 1 minute to the right)
You might have saw the bear flag on the one minute chart and bought puts thining that the market was going down, or even all day. However, if you took a look at the 15 minute chart, nothing about this bear flag on the lower time frame (1 minute) tells me that it will play out on the higher time frame (15 minute) so if you got short, you would have lost money because you took a trade based off of lower probability it would play out on the shorter time frame while trying to enter at a more accurate level also on the shorter time frame, which ended up being incorrect.
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
Even the 5 minute did not form anything that looks like a bear flag.
The key is:
Notice the structure on the higher time frames, and take your trade on the lower time frames.
Therefore while probability of the structure forming and playing out is higher, you can take a trade at a more accurate level on the shorter time frame for a better setup and possibly better result.
(Disclaimer: The market does whatever it wants. I could be entirley wrong and you could lose money. I am not a financial advisor, therefore always do your own research, consult your personal financial advisor before taking a trade, and assess your finances before even thinking of entering a position).
In the case of the Spy Monthly, the probability of the rising wedge playing out is higher than not, however the accuracy as to when it will play out is much lower than not. Which leads to days like today, where we see the rising wedge on the monthly, however the market is starting to move back to the upside.
SPY Weekly
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
Large buyers have entered on the Weekly time frame to push the market back to All Time Highs. However, Buyers should be aware of the candle at the close on the Week.
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
This to me looks like somewhat of an Evening Star candle, one of the most bearish candles in all of reversal candle patterns. I would not be suprised if we retested the highs on the Week, but if this weeks candle should close below the body of last weeks candle, then I think we might see a reversal in markets.
SPY Daily
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
There is a bearish upside gap from the $523.83 - $524.72 level that was partially filled but not quite. I think that if the Evening Star on the weekly playes out, then the price could try to fill the gap as early as next week, possibly by the end of this week which would better confirm the Evening Star as well.
SPY 4 Hour
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
The 4 hour is in a really significant zone. Sellers have added liquidity at the highs, however the market might be making its current retest out back into the upward trend from the beginning of the Month. If buyers cannot close the price above the 4 hour trendline, then the probability of a reversal in markets ON the week is higher than not. Which will further confirm the Evening Star on the Weekly into next week.
SPY 1 Hour
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
Buyers are trying to step in at the $529.57 level to keep up the price. There is enough liquidity to do so, however if the sellers take the tape then markets could see a stronger reversal possibly to the $527's and maybe the $525's.
SPY 15 Minute
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
There is a possible bear flag on the 15 minute chart trying to play out as the price is rejecting off the the selling liquidity at 530's. If the bearflag plays out, we could be headed to the downside into Reversal O'Clock or power hour on the day.
SPY 5 minute
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
On the 5 minute, buyers and sellers are trying to battle for control. There is a tight range in between liquidity, however the higher time frames suggest that the sellers are in control. The 5 minute buyers will need to step up here if they don't want the price to catch the elevator to the downside.
SPY 1 Minute
The Market (MooMoo Announcement + Alkaline Updates [Screeners] + Going Private? + Charts [Spy Monthly + Bearish Reversal?])
There is a bearflag forming on the 1 minute which is aligning with the flags an other structures on the higher time frames. Buyers will need to try harder or the market might reverse further to the downside. I am considering a short position here as all the stars seem to align, however I want to see the 5 minute breakout of it's liquidity battle first.
Thank you for reading and for all the support! Hopefully I was able to explain the MooMoo announcement clearly, what updates I am working on, why some posts will now be only visable to Followers and what different structures on different time frames mean.
I haven't forgot about Bitcoin! I will post the charts after I make more progress with the screeners. Again, if this post gets to 50 likes I will post them for you all! Regardless, I will post them for the 5,000 Follower special should we achieve that milestone! I am bullish on it.
Enjoy your day in markets
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