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The military was quick, and unprepared to attack.

Financial attitudes revealed by seven K-line logic
Continuity: including strong continuity and weak continuity, indicating a firm financial attitude, continuous buying or continuous selling
Counterattack: Positive counterattack and negative counterattack. The main capital does not approve the trend before the counterattack. Real money reverses the situation. Once the situation is successfully reversed, the situation is expected to be maintained after the counterattack.
Transcendence: It is an immediate surpassing of the market or sector, or the surpassing of a stock's historical k line. It is a clear signal of attack on the main capital
Rule: It shows that the main players have achieved effective control over stock prices. Most of them are concentrated chip stocks
Counterattack: The main capital leverages good shipping or takes advantage of the shortfall to open positions or even launch attacks
Excessive: The end of a trend. The end of a strong trend cannot be overcome. Be prepared to reverse the trend at any time
Chaos: No obvious characteristics, no clear stages, self-exclusion, no one to take care of.
The market erupted in despair, rose in hesitation, and died in joy. Your focus is your fate. Follow flies to find toilets, follow bees to find flowers, follow tens of millions to earn millions, and follow beggars to ask for food. Live fish go against the flow, and dead fish go with the flow. There is no wisdom without difficulties. People can endure and overcome misfortune, because people have amazing potential, and as long as they are determined to use it, they will definitely be able to get through difficult times. Good luck in good times is what people hope for; good luck in adversity is what amazes people. The hardest time is when you're not far from being successful. If you want to catch big fish, don't be afraid of the depth of the water.

Anxiety not only won't lift the burden of tomorrow; instead, it robs you of today's happiness. It is only when you experience bitterness and bitterness that you have a longer charm. Perhaps because there are enough clouds in your life, you can create a beautiful dusk. Any experience of suffering is as long as it is either destruction or wealth. God helps those who trust in him.

Education is a bronze medal, ability is a silver medal, connections are a gold medal, thinking is a trump card, and Jesus is the king of all kings. Successful people don't win at the starting point; they win at the turning point.
hard logic
Hard logic is face value protection
Hard logic is a system of rules
Hard logic is a major key interest attitude and obvious advantage and strength
Hard logic is a highly time-efficient statistical law
Even the toughest logic requires market response and verification; otherwise, it is useless and unpersuasive.
Elasticity (40% positions are used for secondary trend games; 60% positions are held for a long time)
A straight arm is most useless in a fight. It has neither attack power nor defense power, and the boxer will recover his momentum at maximum speed.
Stock market trading, where a full position is like an arm that has been straightened out, is an extreme moment of imbalance between offense and defense; increasing and decreasing positions is like stretching and shrinking an arm; it is a routine move to maintain combat effectiveness.
Flexible position management with room is the basic guarantee of stable and continuous account growth, and is a necessary ability for professional speculators.
The military was quick, and unprepared to attack.
The military was quick, and unprepared to attack.
The military was quick, and unprepared to attack.
The military was quick, and unprepared to attack.
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