The MooMoo Merchandise Moments (May 2024 Edition)!
Hello Mooers!
Do you know all of the$Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$MooMoo merchandise that has been with us since we began trading on the MooMoo platform?
No?It's alright, because today we're going over some of them.
Without further ado, let's begin!
Back in 2021, Mooers could exchange their MooMoo points forbaseball hats(*1),astronaut MooCows(*2), and evenlife-sized MooElephants(*3).
Life-sized MooElephant, Wow!
A year later, in 2022,more products became available, includingcomputer mice, keyboards, and many other items (*4). Olivia Higgins, the primary presenter at MooMoo Singapore, evendemonstrated one of them(*5).
Oh yeah, about the mugs, I'mthankful to MooMoo for theawesomeMooMoo mug in 2021.
My Awesome MooMoo Mug!
Besides the MooMoo mug, it also comes bundled with threeadorableMooMoo magnets.Nice!
One of the three adorable MooMoo magnets!
They haveaccompanied me through the ups and downsof the stock marketover these years.
Also, I would like to thankall my MooMoo supporters for theamazinglikes, shares, and comments given.A big thank you to all of you.
Hmm... I wonderwhat merchandise Mooers wishes to exchange in 2024. Please come and share with us.
We have come to the end of today's topic.Remember to show your support by follow, like, share and comment on this post and as always, don't forget toDYODD(Do your own due diligence) when making any kind of investment.
My 6 yr old daughter is going to LOVE the life size MooCow. She collects the FUTU-MooMoosiz (her vocab, not mine lol) figurines! Love the FUTUMooMooSWAG!
Z00Moo : My 6 yr old daughter is going to LOVE the life size MooCow. She collects the FUTU-MooMoosiz (her vocab, not mine lol) figurines! Love the FUTUMooMooSWAG!
Mars Mooo OP Z00Moo :
soyabean89 : free futu share would be a great offer too![undefined [undefined]](
Mars Mooo OP soyabean89 : Free $Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$ shares giveaway.![undefined [undefined]](
![undefined [undefined]](
I like your idea!
Guyoukaya : Does anyone gets the 80% off from the spin ever?
Mars Mooo OP Guyoukaya :
Cui Nyonya Kueh : Can my brother get me one?![undefined [undefined]](
Cui Nyonya Kueh : got astronaut meh?
Mars Mooo OP Cui Nyonya Kueh : maybe will see it again on 17 Sep 2024 (Mid-Autumn Festival 2024)![undefined [undefined]](
Cui Nyonya Kueh Mars Mooo OP : you mean we can go back to the past?![undefined [undefined]](
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