The Nikkei Index started lower, reacting to a decline in US stocks. The yen is weak across the board, with expectations of avoiding a shutdown of US government agencies. Gold futures have surpassed $3000 for the first time. Today, attention is focused on the announcement of the first results of the spring labor negotiations.
Top News 米外為市場サマリー:米株安など影響し一時147円40銭台に軟化 13日のニューヨーク外国為替市場のドル円相場は、1ドル=147円81銭前後と前日と比べて45銭程度のドル安・円高で取引を終えた。ユーロは1ユーロ=160円42銭前後と同1円00銭弱のユーロ安・円高だった。この日に発表された2月の米PPIは、前月比の上昇率が横ばいと1月(0.6%上昇)から伸びが減速した。これを受けてドル売り・円買いが優勢となったが、トランプ関税の影響で先行きはインフレ圧力が高まるとの見方が多く反応は限定的。前週分の米新規失業保険申請件数が22万件と前の週から2000件減ったことがドルの支援材料となり、ドル円相場は一時148円35銭まで上伸した。ただ、トランプ米政権の関税政策が世界経済の悪化や貿易摩擦につながるとして、NYダウをはじめ米主要株価指数が下落したことが影響するかたちでドルは失速。
Gold Futures, first to break through 3000 dollars. On the 13th, gold futures at the New York Commodity Exchange (COMEX) reached a record high, surpassing $3,000 per troy ounce for the first time. Gold prices have significantly risen over the past year, driven by geopolitical uncertainty, concerns over high stock prices, and purchases by central banks. The $3,000 level in gold futures indicates that it has already reached the target price set by many analysts on Wall Street for 2025. BNP Paribas raised its average price forecast for 2025 by 8% to $2,990 this week, predicting it would exceed $3,100 during the April-June period before declining in the latter half of the year.