Passive Investor OP :
Bigmunch : Good job keep holding ur options
爱吃蛋糕的美娜 : Do you buy itm or otm? Usually 2 weeks? Most premium paid is 1.8k?
Passive Investor OP : of cos, itm.. I bought way my Premiums is cheap
Passive Investor OP 爱吃蛋糕的美娜 : deep itm
MAHP : can you explain how options works?
Passive Investor OP :
Bigmunch : Good job keep holding ur options
爱吃蛋糕的美娜 : Do you buy itm or otm? Usually 2 weeks? Most premium paid is 1.8k?
Passive Investor OP : of cos, itm.. I bought way my Premiums is cheap
Passive Investor OP 爱吃蛋糕的美娜 : deep itm
MAHP : can you explain how options works?