Second Triggering Point (2) : GOOGLE & TESLA Earnings Report
Both of these companies released their Q2 2024 earnings report on 24th July (Tuesday)
First, Tesla shares plunges 8-10% after the earnings report due to the EPS falling 43% YOY and miss analyst estimates of $0.62
Bad margins across all boards (Gross, operating and Net)
Investors are also not sure if the upcoming Robtaxi in October 10th will live up to the expectations or its another facade. Tesla revenue and margins are set to recover after late 2025
For Google, post earnings report result in a 4% drop in the share price
Overall for Google, everything seems good for the revenue, EPS, margins, Net income and Balance Sheet
Only fall was in Ad revenue.
During earnings call, a question was asked to answer by CEO Pichai : Other than Ad Revenue, how is the investment made on AI working out and Pichai did not answer directlty. This directly make wallstreet realized that they might be too optimisitc regarding the development that AI can bring now.
Beause what contributed to this year gains were mainly due to the theme of AI Technology.
But it just seems like AI is just a cash burning investment that wont bring any results oor revenue for the company in the short term.
Because it is hard to tell how much AI really contributed to Google earnings growth.
How much of that is derived from AI and how much of that is not derived from AI?
What if Google did not put money into AI and they still can deliver similar results during their earnings report??? Does that shows that AI did not make a difference at all and it is just a liability to the company at the moment. Do not forget that Google pour $5b investment into Waymo (Automous driving) investment as well.
And not to mention OpenAI announced searchGPT that will compete with Google seach
Rex Rugga : Markets tumbled because they are manipulated by dark pool. The big investors that rob us retail traders
ohTHATguy Rex Rugga :
White_Shadow : some truth to that, nevertheless just means you play the game better, you only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent...just sayin, up your game
Laine Ford : I like that stock