Cash777 : 24-21 is on the way if not lower
Flowerhill : Maybe after FED's announcement at 2pm?
Angelo Dupont OP : If in doubt, just daytrade it. It is so silly for Jensen to predict next 15 years when he is not sure what happened next month.
Angelo Dupont OP Cash777 : I saw 26 was being tested a few times before the stock sent off. I think that proves I am right.
Cash777 : 24-21 is on the way if not lower
Flowerhill : Maybe after FED's announcement at 2pm?
Angelo Dupont OP : If in doubt, just daytrade it. It is so silly for Jensen to predict next 15 years when he is not sure what happened next month.
Angelo Dupont OP Cash777 : I saw 26 was being tested a few times before the stock sent off. I think that proves I am right.