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The secret story of the birth of a school that teaches investment at a low price

When I tried to do a school that taught investment at a low price with no initial cost, I was really worried and opposed by many people.
The world of money is really difficult and risky, so everyone is running a school that is so expensive. No matter how hard you try to teach, even if you don't know which is the cause, if there are no results, all of those negative feelings will fly away.
There are many people who become mentally ill because they have to accept all of them and operate it. In such a world, it would be suicidal to do it on a monthly basis without taking any initial costs. Everyone used to say that. Of course it's because I'm worried.
But my feelings won over that. So Gavel was born. The reality is that people often get positive feelings rather than negative results. Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't any minuses, and it doesn't mean that you don't get mentally ill. But I think the reason I've been able to keep it clean for 3 years is because my feelings have won.
I want to spread clean investments from the bottom of my heart to the world without the slightest speck of evil feelings. As a result, as many people as possible can think that they are glad to have started investing. If it could be an opportunity like that, I would love to do it. I think everything behind the creation of innovative things comes from people's thoughts.
It has nothing to do with the past, history, or common sense. I put my thoughts into what I want to do and what I think I should do. Of course, if not, I'll quit before I get sick. Therefore, of course, I will make a way for them to quit at any time. Fortunately, Gavel had them too.
As a result, I tried making it with just my thoughts without thinking 4 out of 5, but I'm really glad. I would be happy if a service that will continue to be created in the future. It couldn't be better if it also came from Gavel members.
In fact, there are many members who become independent, and I think they will provide a wonderful service. Some children have begun to be affected, and it is said that even elementary school children can see the chart.
A small step from a small thought we began with. But the effects are definitely born from there. Even the smallest step of a human being can have an effect on something when someone else's power is applied. That's why it's important to generate positive energy no matter how small it is.
Gavel will continue to be that kind of person from now on, and I'm going to go today expecting someone who will follow suit. I live like that day in and day out.
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    SNS総フォロワー7万人超え個人投資家 月2,980円で投資を教えるスクールGavel講師 ananなどメディア実績多数