liang wang199
The stocks are all in the hands of retail investors, and they are holding on to them without selling. The main investors will not raise the stock price if they don’t have any stocks. Retail investors only care about short-term gains, and will sell them immediately even if someone makes a profit. Therefore, this stock cannot avoid the fate of being delisted.
lol, don't think so. Otherwise institutional buyers wouldn't be buying into it unless something like a merger was coming or some really good PR.
liang wang199 OP : The stocks are all in the hands of retail investors, and they are holding on to them without selling. The main investors will not raise the stock price if they don’t have any stocks. Retail investors only care about short-term gains, and will sell them immediately even if someone makes a profit. Therefore, this stock cannot avoid the fate of being delisted.
browny_440 : retail owns 10x the float so fuck off
jayarlegue : lol, don't think so. Otherwise institutional buyers wouldn't be buying into it unless something like a merger was coming or some really good PR.