The difference in price was not added to the personal account until the countdown was over. I think some people said they didn't receive it. Right, I bought it in 2 batches, bought 100 for the first time, then bought 20K. So how do they calculate it?
102595658 : One month of savings will be automatically given to you? How to use it?
Sky杨 OP 102595658 : Yes, it will go directly to your account
102595658 Sky杨 OP : Newcomers can enjoy 5.8%, right?
Sky杨 OP : I got it for the second time, and the playwright can get it
102595658 Sky杨 OP : It's actually a 5.8 interest supplement, right?
Sky杨 OP 102595658 : Yes
102595658 Sky杨 OP : The difference in price was not added to the personal account until the countdown was over. I think some people said they didn't receive it. Right, I bought it in 2 batches, bought 100 for the first time, then bought 20K. So how do they calculate it?
Sky杨 OP 102595658 : 20100 should
102595658 Sky杨 OP : OK, thank you