When the stock DKW loses its direction, you can look at CD CM SZT CKDJ and other stock indicators. Each indicator complements the others. Currently, the nvidia stock price is at the upper limit of the CD indicator. In the short term, it will be under certain pressure for a few days. The CM indicator shows that speculative funds are shrinking, SZT also begins to show green columns, and CJR, CKDJ's top has been overbought. Overall, it seems that it will be difficult for nvidia's stock price to exceed 130 in the coming days of this week.
After the washout in the next few days of this week, the main force funds can continue to push up next week. Before the financial report comes out, there is hope to continue to challenge the new high of 140. The day of the financial report is expected to be a wave of harvesting, so long positions should leave the market as soon as possible before the financial report comes out.