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There is still $ to be made in the "boring" CPU business

$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ A couple of mths back, I wrote about Intel facing issues with its latest generations of CPUs (desktop CPUs burnt & laptop CPUs were unstable) & the company was struggling to replace CPUs under warranty. The earlier sources that I read mentioned manufacturers decided to devote more time & effort designing PCs & laptops based on AMD's platform. Fast forward a few mths, it looks like Intel has yet to address these issues. 1 of the more recent reports, game server providers are now advising customers to move to AMD-based systems. Source:
Remember that Intel's recent Q1 client revenue was abt $7.5b & it was a slow quarter. AMD is aiming to take market share from Intel. The companu is continuing to innovate in the CPU dept & inflicting a lot of pain on Intel. I have read some reports that AMD & its partners (esp Asus) will have lots of Strix Point (name of AMD's next gen laptop APUs) notebooks available for sale in late July. The new APUs will have better stability & performance, so much so that they will make the recently released Qualcomm-based Copilot notebooks look like products in beta testing. The new Zen 5 desktop CPUs will also be available in high volume when they hit the market. Early leaked benchmarks of these CPUs already show great performance improvements.
The company is moving in the right direction, slowly, steadily & surely. Good luck to all investors.
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  • Money Thrill : And THE Finland "Silo AI"  is not the largest European private research company... only 300 employees. The largest is IMEC research AI laboratorium with 5000 EMPLOYEES !!! And it is not a acquisition only a agreement,  an AGREEMENT?  AND the European competition authorities are unlikely to BE agree?

  • DavidCCL Money Thrill : You shorted it or not holding any position and just being kind?

  • digimonX OP Money Thrill : u need to brush up ur English, man. There are so many articles abt this acquisition & yet, u sounded so confused.

  • Money Thrill : Thanks. ... but I am from Belgium my mother language is Dutch and French.  Studied Latin and Greec ... and know a bit english  and YOU [undefined][undefined]

  • Money Thrill Money Thrill : Carpe Diem cum Temperantia et Prudentia  ... my answer to your confused words ... i hope you understand this simple Latin words. Words  from  Titus Carus Lucretius, 2050 years ago . [undefined][undefined]

  • digimonX OP Money Thrill : I don't know what this got to do with u not understanding articles written in English but since u asked - my mother tongue is Cantonese. I can speak well in Cantonese, Mandarin, English & Malay (Bahasa Melayu) since childhood.

  • digimonX OP Money Thrill : Looks like u are still confused. A Google search gives u these results that u can read in further detail, but in English from where I live...

  • Money Thrill digimonX OP : Good Job...  i do not think i am confused. If i am confused it must be the European Commission.  For the acquisition of Silo AI AMD must have an approval.  They say in in the Jounal in Europe. It is now only a agreement for a acquisition.... and that is totally different  .... i hope you understand now. Ni Hao [undefined][undefined]

  • Money Thrill : I live not far away from Finland,  company headquarters and nog employees,  engineers who write for Tweakers.  Semiconductors News ... and the say the same like my . I hope you understand now?  An AGREEMENT for a acquisition?

  • Money Thrill : Hey,  maybe I can contact my friend who sits in the European Parliament IN BRUSSELS and ask if there are any restrictions on the acquisition of Silo AI by $Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ , if not only then it is very good to buy AMD.   BRUSSEL is capital of Europe and i live 100 km from there  ... we see ... i hope [undefined]

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