Will focus on the long terms fundamentals on this stock and hold, thank you guys for your suggestions and of course I will at least treat myself a meal :)
OPNivis Chen
It was serve robotics bought on at price of $16 on August and soon lost more than half of my capital(Around $11k), hold it till today and sold it with a $6k profit to go all in on Fubo TV stock
Whiskey300blk : I would lock some in
104128755 : congrats! rmb to take profit when needed
jesse graziano Whiskey300blk : lock it all in. plus he gets taxed
ZMonsta : congrats! take some profit and enjoy shopping.
Chalet : Dude… you did heavy on this guy…
Weixuan OP : Will focus on the long terms fundamentals on this stock and hold, thank you guys for your suggestions and of course I will at least treat myself a meal :)
151847182 : wtf... that's insane... well done man... fubo to 10+ soon
Nivis Chen : You are also up another $6k on profits for other stocks. What else do you have that went up so much.
Weixuan OP Nivis Chen : It was serve robotics bought on at price of $16 on August and soon lost more than half of my capital(Around $11k), hold it till today and sold it with a $6k profit to go all in on Fubo TV stock
DK11 : well done. constantly refine your strategies and improve.
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