Tuffyturf : What’s the price per share?
Jaguar8 OP Tuffyturf : It’s with PSIX. Let us wait for the complete PR
Tuffyturf Jaguar8 OP : Cool thanks
Lnova : whoa
102136507 : What’s a reverse merger?
Jaguar8 OP 102136507 : When a private company becomes publicly traded by acquiring a stake of a publicly traded company
Tuffyturf : What’s the price per share?
Jaguar8 OP Tuffyturf : It’s with PSIX. Let us wait for the complete PR
Tuffyturf Jaguar8 OP : Cool thanks
Lnova : whoa
102136507 : What’s a reverse merger?
Jaguar8 OP 102136507 : When a private company becomes publicly traded by acquiring a stake of a publicly traded company