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This kind of business should go out of business

$Boeing(BA.US)$ The confusion behind frequent Boeing plane crashes
An American anecdote:

“Sorry guys, but I need to vent... I quit my job as an aerodynamic at Boeing today.

It will be ten years in just one week.

The path to where it is today began in the summer of 2021, when a new employee named Jamal (that's his real name, guys) was assigned to my aerodynamics engineering department. Before Jamal, everyone in our aerodynamics department had degrees in engineering and related sciences (I'm physics), some of us had master's degrees, and our leaders had doctorates. Jamal has a degree in “Aeronautical Science and Engineering,” and we finally learned that this degree is actually an extreme, extreme, extreme, and extreme cargo version of an engineering technology project.

My department head was told by his leader that Jamal “will become an aerodynamic” even though he only received an entry-level education in the subject (basic aerodynamics was taught in the third year of college at Tuskegee University). Not an Affirmative Action (AA) hire at all, right?

Over the next year, from day one, we kept Jamal away from critical work he completely didn't understand. We'll just let him do basic data entry in Excel. He's useless to us in every way.

In May of last year, shortly after we tried to get Jamal transferred to another department, the head of our department was fired after 29 years of service with the company. They told us he “started retiring early.” While this is factually accurate, what is clear is that our boss was portrayed as racist and forced to leave because of our collective focus on Jamal. Because of diversity.

Less than a week later, we received our new boss, “Miss Shanika,” and she wanted us to call her that. She didn't even become an engineer through education or industry. She's an expert at archiving redundant data. You just won't believe it.

For those who follow this, to give you a clue about her race, white, Asian, and Hispanic women aren't called “Shanika,” and we don't just let people use honorifics to add our name.

Within a few days, “Miss Shanika”, focusing only on her peers, made 'Useless Jamal' the team leader of my project and lowered my position. I was told “he won this opportunity.” After four days, approximately 724GB of Matlab-processed wind tunnel and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) data became unusable. It took the three of us a while to find out that the code script was somehow messed up. Worst of all, Shanika pushed the three of us to the front line of data corruption, a full written warning, and gave us a timeline to fix it. Fortunately, we had a copy of the script and were able to reprocess the data, and the sub-project was fully completed two weeks ago.

But what about Jamal? Oh, just one week after we solved the chaos, he received praise directly from Boeing's corporate leaders for “unrivaled excellence in leadership, saving the company countless hours and millions of dollars by finding issues in the data and fixing it!”

Here, as they say, things get a little interesting...
A colleague of mine discovered why/how/when... and who screwed everything up. Not Jamal. Instead, Shanika did it from the comfort of her own home (according to the IT department).

Yes, that's right, everyone — billions of dollars worth of corporate intellectual property, tens of megabytes of data, were vandalized in an obvious effort to promote an uneducated, completely incompetent, symbolic employee, and make us a bad person.

Last Thursday, after confirming this, we submitted a full report with sworn statements and supporting evidence to the security services, legal services, and senior leaders. We also know what might happen and are prepared accordingly.

Shortly after lunch today, we (the three of us) were called in by senior management. We have been charged many times with “showing blatant disrespect for Jamal and our 'boss' by verbalizing and displaying material that disparages African Americans”, “trying to damage company property”, and of course “filing false complaints.” The three of us were asked to submit a letter of resignation before we left work. We immediately took out our colleagues' folders and handed over the resignation letter we had prepared over the weekend. We were escorted back to our desk, packed up our stuff, handed over our work cards, and walked out.

Less than two weeks after affirmative action was actually defeated, Boeing, a multi-billion dollar company, redoubled its efforts. They actually chose two uneducated, iconic black people rather than MIT, Caltech, and Stanford graduates. Our former boss, who “retired early” because of what we did, is an outstanding graduate of Moscow University. Prior to joining Boeing, he was a famous and influential engineer at the Russian Central Aerodynamics Institute (TSagi).
I knew we would be rehabilitated in due course, but Boeing couldn't pay us enough to go back. Let them eat cake.

I'm not really sure what my next step will be, but all I can say is Wow. It's just Wow.” (turn)
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  • 十贝勒 OP : Friends, America is now full of companies of this kind. They regard race, skin color, and gender as relatives, and disapprove of the wise. This is the case from Google to Meta. The only good Tesla was abandoned by capital because of Musk's political inaccuracy. I hope this culture will be corrected. The American people are abandoning this extreme left ideology
