This reference data is based on the asset only situation of the top 10%, top 5%, and top 1% in the United States, regardless of age group. It can be divided into two scenarios: considering a house and not considering a house.
These data may be from individuals or families, just like tax reporting can be done alone or together as a couple.
The top 1% of the wealthiest people who do not include houses are in the age group of 55-59, with only $16.32 million in assets. In the age group of 5 years younger, with only $11.37 million in assets, the wealth gap between the two is likely to increase at an annualized rate of 8% for 5 years, which can be wiped out. Therefore, this data has some rationality.
The difference between the mapping values of the two tables is the guessed value of housing value in the United States, which does not match the age group. This pattern seems to be that the older the age group, the more valuable the property is, reflecting the value-added characteristics of the property.