73319404 : Totally agree, invested 2K now they r worth 70 dollars ..
KN4545 : why so much wise people still here
Simon 5183 KN4545 : 破罐子破摔
Rhiox : possible some ppl trapped and waiting to get out
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY Rhiox : Sure there is. Be a hard time convincing me otherwise.
Rhiox MARKET-TEST-DUMMY : I know right because I'm one of them.
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY Rhiox : Wishing ya luck then
73319404 : Totally agree, invested 2K now they r worth 70 dollars ..
KN4545 : why so much wise people still here
Simon 5183 KN4545 : 破罐子破摔
Rhiox : possible some ppl trapped and waiting to get out
MARKET-TEST-DUMMY Rhiox : Sure there is. Be a hard time convincing me otherwise.
Rhiox MARKET-TEST-DUMMY : I know right because I'm one of them.

MARKET-TEST-DUMMY Rhiox : Wishing ya luck then