104158439 : More than rubbish. I’m wiping out my entire trading account because of it.
Loadsofcash OP 104158439 : I sold all and reinvested in voo ..
1蓝蓝天空 Loadsofcash OP : Isn't VOO falling too
Loadsofcash OP 1蓝蓝天空 : Voo went up . Voo is always the safer bet
104158439 : More than rubbish. I’m wiping out my entire trading account because of it.
Loadsofcash OP 104158439 : I sold all and reinvested in voo ..
1蓝蓝天空 Loadsofcash OP : Isn't VOO falling too
Loadsofcash OP 1蓝蓝天空 : Voo went up . Voo is always the safer bet