28282828 : Learn the lesson. After 3-4 years of lesson still fall for the same trap meh
gentle Iguana_2693 : depends on Seatrium's stamina to support and to chase. she was chasing up her own share, last bought in was 1.59.
Heng333 : they r buying back shares so they will stabilise the price to buy back
gentle Iguana_2693 Heng333 : 20aug 1.42, 27aug 1.48, 3sep 1.56, 10sep 1.59, next Tue likely another buy back at any price
28282828 : Learn the lesson. After 3-4 years of lesson still fall for the same trap meh
gentle Iguana_2693 : depends on Seatrium's stamina to support and to chase. she was chasing up her own share, last bought in was 1.59.
Heng333 : they r buying back shares so they will stabilise the price to buy back
gentle Iguana_2693 Heng333 : 20aug 1.42, 27aug 1.48, 3sep 1.56, 10sep 1.59, next Tue likely another buy back at any price