It depends on your strategy, If you plan to sell your stock or just receive the dividend, be aware that after the ex date, the price may fall by a corresponding amount, wiping out your gain, It depends on holding shares for long term or short term and your investment goals.
in my opinion ULTY , but it's better to buy after the Ex date by one week or two maximum, the price well goes down, both Cony and ULTY are options strategy etf and that's make it risky if you hold it for long term, it's better if you sell when the price goes up and buy when it goes down every month, take profit and stop loss.
NIUFENFEN : Did we miss the ex dividend day
151244563 OP : No, still have time till 16th October. the ex day is 17th.
Tazzin : Would you say its a good buy now?
151244563 OP : It depends on your strategy, If you plan to sell your stock or just receive the dividend, be aware that after the ex date, the price may fall by a corresponding amount, wiping out your gain, It depends on holding shares for long term or short term and your investment goals.
NIUFENFEN : how do we find interest info out
Helenc : does ulty give more dividend than cony? cony went up too high... I'm a bit scared of buying cony now
151244563 OP : in my opinion ULTY , but it's better to buy after the Ex date by one week or two maximum, the price well goes down, both Cony and ULTY are options strategy etf and that's make it risky if you hold it for long term, it's better if you sell when the price goes up and buy when it goes down every month, take profit and stop loss.
151244563 OP NIUFENFEN : https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ULTY/profile/
Nil : Where u get the data?
151244563 OP Nil : https://marketchameleon.com/Overview/ULTY/?lu=true
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