The analysis of AMD stock, factoring the semiconductors sector dynamics, high valuation relative to peers, and mixed trading indicators, suggests current trading is not advisable. Interested investors should monitor for improved sector engagement or wait for AMD's next earnings impact on stock sentiment. Investors need to consider if holding or waiting for better entry conditions could be wise before taking any positions.
DCCTrader : The analysis of AMD stock, factoring the semiconductors sector dynamics, high valuation relative to peers, and mixed trading indicators, suggests current trading is not advisable. Interested investors should monitor for improved sector engagement or wait for AMD's next earnings impact on stock sentiment. Investors need to consider if holding or waiting for better entry conditions could be wise before taking any positions.
Ryan赚钱要冷静 DCCTrader : 马后炮
102514703 : Yesterday was chasing up, today is it chasing down?
101693977 : yes I planning to load up 25% today. another 25% if it dips again
105181693 101693977 : 干就完了,我也是155进货一半,留一半看情况。跌能跌到哪里去,跌就放着呗
liquidityHunter : the best time to buy is when everyone is selling