james mills7
I'd be looking out for these new cars they're showing off this coming weekend. I definitely wanna be holding as many shares I can come Monday morning
james mills7
I'm not gonna put nothing here. I'm all calls and buys till the next spike hits. too much bull. I'd rather make money than risk a put. sometimes it's good to let the current take you.
Wolf Zone : You think it’s going to go down to $2 ? Then go back up again. Hmmm looking for a right buy again.
103826216 Wolf Zone : sure or not ? sell put down to usd 2 ? put down 2 lot
james mills7 : I'd be looking out for these new cars they're showing off this coming weekend. I definitely wanna be holding as many shares I can come Monday morning
103826216 james mills7 : put down usd 2 again for 2 lot
james mills7 103826216 : I'm not gonna put nothing here. I'm all calls and buys till the next spike hits. too much bull. I'd rather make money than risk a put. sometimes it's good to let the current take you.
103826216 james mills7 : better call in ....1000 contract call to usd 22
God bless you