smallinvestor81 : I bought some 574C @0.6 sold @1.02
70852907 : Thanks I thought I was tripping…
股海无边 : some even call & put also drop... lolzz
MonkeyGee OP 股海无边 : Talking about other countries' stock manipulation they learn from the best!
MonkeyGee OP 70852907 : just wait Monday they will re price correctly or even 15 mins afterhours
smallinvestor81 : I bought some 574C @0.6 sold @1.02
70852907 : Thanks I thought I was tripping…
股海无边 : some even call & put also drop... lolzz
MonkeyGee OP 股海无边 : Talking about other countries' stock manipulation they learn from the best!
MonkeyGee OP 70852907 : just wait Monday they will re price correctly or even 15 mins afterhours