Datuk Seri Steave : couple of them just suck
InfiniteTurkey : That's me speaking.Reduce half of the position to chase Tesla, and the result is a steep drop.
包小姐的养老金 OP Datuk Seri Steave :
包小姐的养老金 OP InfiniteTurkey : It's so sad, you really didn't properly follow my posts.
InfiniteTurkey 包小姐的养老金 OP : Oh, I only noticed after completing the operation.
最强散户陈桂林 : Boss Bao, I love you
无人能出其左右的左右 : Congrats miss Bao we are on the right track
meowmeowmeowmeoww : bao jie what is the next operation?
包小姐的养老金 OP 最强散户陈桂林 : You're welcome.
包小姐的养老金 OP 无人能出其左右的左右 :
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Datuk Seri Steave : couple of them just suck
InfiniteTurkey : That's me speaking.Reduce half of the position to chase Tesla, and the result is a steep drop.
包小姐的养老金 OP Datuk Seri Steave :
包小姐的养老金 OP InfiniteTurkey : It's so sad, you really didn't properly follow my posts.
InfiniteTurkey 包小姐的养老金 OP : Oh, I only noticed after completing the operation.
最强散户陈桂林 : Boss Bao, I love you
无人能出其左右的左右 : Congrats miss Bao we are on the right track
meowmeowmeowmeoww : bao jie what is the next operation?
包小姐的养老金 OP 最强散户陈桂林 : You're welcome.
包小姐的养老金 OP 无人能出其左右的左右 :
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