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Tokyo Market Summary: Nikkei Average falls, the yen temporarily surpasses the psychological barrier of 150 yen against the dollar, automobiles related stocks are weak.

moomooニュース日本株 wrote a column · Nov 29, 2024 14:38
Tokyo Market Summary: Nikkei Average falls, the yen temporarily surpasses the psychological barrier of 150 yen against the dollar, automobiles related stocks ar...
Hello, moomoo users!Good job on the closing bell. Here is today's overview of the stock market. Thank you.
The Nikkei average closed at 38,208.03 yen, down 141.03 yen from the previous trading day.
The dollar-yen temporarily fell to the 149.70 yen level, with yen buying on expectations of a rate hike by the Bank of Japan and dollar selling due to easing US-China concerns.
Continuing the "bullish" trend in the electrical wire sector - Daiwa.
KDDI to issue 210 billion yen in corporate bonds.
Toyota falls: Dollar-yen, temporarily in the 149 yen range, as the yen strengthens, the automobile sector is weak.
Expecting financial and IT system outperformance in December - Daiwa.
Hot Stocks: $Mitsubishi Electric (6503.JP)$ $KDDI (9433.JP)$ $Fujikura (5803.JP)$etc
- moomoo news on individual Japanese stocks Sherry
Market Overview
In today's Tokyo stock market, the Nikkei Stock Average closed at 38,208.03 yen, down 141.03 yen from the previous trading day, while the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) closed at 2,680.71, down 6.57 points.
Tokyo Market Summary: Nikkei Average falls, the yen temporarily surpasses the psychological barrier of 150 yen against the dollar, automobiles related stocks ar...
Top News
The dollar-yen temporarily fell to the 149.70 yen level, with the yen-buying on expectations of a Bank of Japan rate hike and the dollar selling off due to diminishing US-China concerns.
The dollar-yen fell to around 149.76 yen at one point, dropping nearly 1.8 yen from the early morning high near 151.55 yen. In the morning, with the Tokyo CPI surpassing expectations, expectations for a Bank of Japan rate hike in December increased, leading to a broad-based strengthening of the yen. In the afternoon, concerns over escalating US-China trade tensions eased, leading to rises in the yuan and Australian dollar against the dollar. Dollar selling led by the yuan spread to other currencies. The dollar-yen once again dropped below the 150 yen level.
The consumer price index of Tokyo, considered a leading indicator of nationwide prices, rose in November. The core CPI exceeded expectations at 2.2%, while the overall CPI also rose by 2.6%. The core core also accelerated growth from the previous period. The prolonged weak yen due to the better-than-expected Tokyo CPI and the anticipated substantial wage increases in the next spring labor negotiations have strengthened the view that the Bank of Japan will hike rates in December. Governor Ueda of the Bank of Japan had mentioned that predicting December is impossible. It is based on the data and information gathered until the meeting for decision-making.
Continued 'bullish' outlook for the electrical wiring sector by Daiwa Securities
Daiwa Securities continues its 'bullish' investment outlook on the electrical wiring sector, focusing on three key points: (1) The benefits of AI proliferation, (2) Expectations for recovery in demand from U.S. communication carriers, and (3) Profit realization of electrical power infrastructure-related businesses. They are watching these points closely for individual preference rankings, which were traditionally $Fujikura (5803.JP)$ $Sumitomo Electric Industries (5802.JP)$ $SWCC (5805.JP)$ $Furukawa Electric (5801.JP)$Changed from Sumitomo Electric Industries to Furukawa Electric, SWCC, and Fujikura. While the stock prices of each company rose significantly, Daiwa Securities believes there is still room for evaluation based on the abundant growth scenarios in the future.peBased on factors such as the future growth scenarios and levels, Daiwa Securities determines that there is room for evaluation.
Daiwa expects financial and IT system outperformance in December.
Daiwa Securities reflects on November and comments on the outlook for December. In November, textile companies that announced shareholder return enhancement with good earnings, outperformed due to factors such as the rise in Japan's long-term interest rates, the banking sector, securities and commodity futures trading industry. On the other hand, electrical and gas companies that announced public offerings, concerns about the appointment of the US Health and Human Services Secretary in the incoming Trump Administration, pharmaceuticals due to China's poor performance, and chemicals underperformed.Inflation脱却期待から金融セクター、好業績期待からITシステムなどがアウトパフォームしやすいと考えている。
Hot stocks
トヨタ-反落 ドル円、一時149円台に円高進行 自動車関連が軟調
$Toyota Motor (7203.JP)$が反落。為替市場において、円高ドル安が進行していることが嫌気されている。ドル円が150円台と前日よりも円高で推移していたところ、寄り前に発表された11月東京都区部消費者物価指数(CPI)が市場予想を上回る上昇率となった。12月の日銀政策決定会合で追加利上げに動くとの思惑が広がったことで、国内10年債利回りが1.065%まで上昇。円高圧力が強まっていることを受け、為替感応度の高い自動車株も売りが優勢となっている。
三菱電機-底堅い 宇宙向け超伝導技術開発のZenno Astronauticsへ出資
$Mitsubishi Electric (6503.JP)$が底堅い。同社は29日、CVCが出資する第9号案件として、宇宙向け超伝導技術を開発するニュージーランド発のスタートアップ企業、Zenno Astronauticsへ出資したと発表した。今後、同社は出資を通じ、Zenno Astronauticsの姿勢制御装置を同社衛星に適用することを見据えた技術検討や評価を進めて、同社の宇宙事業の競争力強化をめざすとしている。
KDDIが210 billion円の社債発行へ
国内大手通信の $KDDI (9433.JP)$On the 29th, it decided on the issuance conditions of a total of 210 billion yen in bonds in four installments. The total amount of bonds to be issued in 2024 will be 510 billion yen, the largest on an annual basis in the company's history. The company has been actively raising funds through the Lawson acquisition, and the total amount of bonds to be issued in 2024 will be the largest in its history.
Source: Various company press releases, NHK, MINKABU, FISCO, Trader's Web
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