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Tokyo Market Summary: Nikkei Average rises by 799 yen, closing price hits all-time high

moomooニュース日本株 wrote a column · Jul 9 01:10
Tokyo Market Summary: Nikkei Average rises by 799 yen, closing price hits all-time high
Hello Moomoo users!Thank you very much for your hard work. Today's stock price summary is as follows. Thank you in advance.
●The Nikkei Average ended at 41580.17 yen, 799.47 yen higher than the previous business day
● Excessive interest rate increases and inflation “it is important to prevent them” = Finance Minister Suzuki
●Recruit H to acquire shares at the upper limit of 600 billion yen
● Fujikura is 10% higher at one point, and there are also perspectives related to data center special demand expectations and electric cable grounds◇
● ITOCHU invests in a US company to develop hydrogen fuel cell engines for aircraft, which have renewed high prices since listing
● Attention to the handle: $Fujikura (5803.JP)$ $Honda Motor (7267.JP)$ $ITOCHU (8001.JP)$ $Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (8306.JP)$
ー MooMoo News Japanese stock Sherry
Market Overview
Today's Nikkei Stock Average ended at 41580.17 yen, 799.47 yen higher than the previous business day, and the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) ended at 2895.55, 27.94 points higher.
Top news
Excessive interest rate rises and inflation “it is important to prevent them” = Finance Minister Suzuki
Finance Minister Suzuki Shunichi stated at the post-cabinet conference on the 9th that “it is important not to deal with excessive interest rate increases or inflation after they have occurred, but to prevent them from happening.” It showed recognition that “it is necessary to protect fiscal discipline from peacetime” so that confidence in medium- to long-term fiscal sustainability is not lost.

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Recruit H to acquire shares at the upper limit of 600 billion yen
$Recruit Holdings (6098.JP)$It was announced on the 9th that it will acquire treasury stock up to 87 million shares. The ratio to the total number issued (excluding treasury shares) is 5.67%. The upper limit of the total acquisition amount is 600 billion yen.
Fujikura is 10% higher at one point, and there are perspectives related to data center special demand expectations and electric cable grounds◇
$Fujikura (5803.JP)$There was a scene where it made a sudden move and hit the 3400 yen range at once due to a rise of over 10%. Demand for data center construction is rising globally against the backdrop of the expansion of the generative AI market. Demand for optical products such as optical fibers has also been boosted as infrastructure for exchanging large amounts of information, and the brunt of searching was directed at the company's stock, which has a high track record with the same products. Handled glass substrates and optical fibers for displays in the US stock market the day before $Corning (GLW.US)$Since it played a sharp rise in response to an upward correction in business performance, it looks like it induced that associative buying.
Honda to consolidate car factories in Thailand, production capacity reduced by 50% due to sluggish sales
$Honda Motor (7267.JP)$On the 9th, it was revealed a policy to integrate two automobile production plants in Thailand by 2025. Thailand's annual production capacity is expected to drop to 50% or less from the 0.27 million range. The spread of electric vehicles (EVs) has begun in Thailand, and sales of the main engine cars have fallen. The production system for engine cars will be reviewed and the profit structure will be improved.
ITOCHU has updated its high price since listing and invests in a US company that develops hydrogen fuel cell engines for aircraft
$ITOCHU (8001.JP)$It became one step higher in the back market, and the high price since listing was updated. The company revealed today that it has invested in US Zero Avia, which develops and manufactures hydrogen fuel cell engines for aircraft, and it seems that this is being viewed as material.
Mitsubishi UFJ stocks continue to fall Mitsubishi UFJ bank employee suspected of leaking insider information
$Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (8306.JP)$Continued decline. As the sense of caution about high prices intensifies due to the recent rapid rise, it seems that the fact that allegations of insider information leakage were revealed to Mitsubishi UFJ Bank employees under the umbrella of the Mitsubishi UFJ Bank also became a burden. The Yomiuri Shimbun dated 9th reported that there is a suspicion that Mitsubishi UFJ Bank employees leaked information such as public tender offers (TOB) related to client companies to relatives before publication.

Distribution source: MINKABU, QUICK MONEY WORLD, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Reuters
Tokyo Market Summary: Nikkei Average rises by 799 yen, closing price hits all-time high
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